Columbus Issues 50 & 51 VOTE NO!!

When you vote on Tuesday November 5, 2013 in Columbus, Ohio, be sure to VOTE NO on Issue 50 & Issue 51.
These issues are trying to unfairly send millions of homeowner dollars to the Columbus Public Schools.
Voting NO isn’t a vote against schools, it’s simply a vote against wasteful, greedy spending. It’s a tax on home ownership and it hurts both landlords and tenants.
Get involved here. Spread the word to your tenants, friends, family, co-workers and anyone who will listen.
Click here to check your voter registration status.
Here is a sample letter you can send to your tenants [excerpts below].
We are big believers in supporting our local schools and supporting our children; however, the Columbus School District has gone too far this time. The attendance cheating scandal, the lack of accountability, the majority of funds going to administrators, poor ratings and other problems have resulted in embarrassment after embarrassment. Now, through two new tax levies, they want to put a much larger burden on the people of Columbus. Can you afford to pay $300, $400, $500 or more per year?
The Columbus School District is asking for a HUGE 24% Tax Increase through issues 50 and 51. As with any sort of cost increase, sooner or later (probably sooner) these costs have to be recovered by passing them on to you. We don’t like raising rents any more than necessary, but should this tax increase pass, it is extremely likely that your rent will have to go up to cover our increased costs.
We do not want to see your rent go up to cover the tax increase, so we are asking that you go to the polls on Tuesday, November 5th to VOTE NO on these issues. We do not believe that the Columbus School District has earned the right to ask for more money. Here’s why:
- The Columbus School District spends more money per pupil than Worthington, Westerville, Gahanna, Hilliard and Dublin
- Columbus Schools received unacceptable grades:
- Achievement with D’s and F’s / Progress with C’s and F’s / Graduation Rates with D’s
- Worthington, Westerville, Dublin, Gahanna and Hilliard were graded with A’s and B’s.
- Columbus Schools spend more than $14,900 per pupil.
- Two-thirds of the budget goes to administrative costs, only one-third goes to teachers!
- The majority of the current school administrators were in office during the recent attendance cheating scandal!
- A recent audit shows a $51 MILLION DOLLAR surplus without the levy!!
- Columbus Schools have given no firm commitments as to how they will spend the levy money!
- Until Columbus City Schools City schools shows us improvement, progress, openness, and accountability we cannot support them or afford to provide them with an endless stream of money.
- – See more at: