Category Archives: General

Shower Curtains Are Useful – But Only If Used!

Leaks can be a tricky issue in all homes, but especially in rentals where the tenants change often. This changeover may lead to confusion as the tenants may assume a water issue around their tub is a leak - when in fact a lot of the calls we receive are a result of mis-used or non-existing shower liners.

It's shocking how often renters are not aware of the proper way to use a shower liner & curtain. Educate your renters. If you don't provide shower curtains and liners, be sure to inform your tenants about what they need and how to use them.

First, a clear plastic liner is a necessity..

Severe Weather Procedures

Below is from an email we received from AEP Ohio. We believe this information can help all of our customers and their tenants. Feel free to pass along to your residents, colleagues, friends & family. Dear AEP Ohio Customer: The National Weather Service in Wilmington, Ohio is predicting a Hazardous Weather Outlook for several counties in Ohio. This threat includes the potential for heavy rainfall, large hail, damaging winds and possibly isolated tornadoes. It is anticipated that this storm system will enter the area late this afternoon and early evening. Severe weather could mean possible power outages. At AEP Ohio, we continue to monitor the storm's path and are preparing resources to be ready to respond once the.