Tag Archives: cold

Extreme Cold Can Cause Extreme Problems For Landlords!

As we've previously told you, extremely cold weather can be a very serious situation with regard to our health, our pets health, and our rental properties.

Not only do we want to stay inside and keep our pets inside (do not leave them in your car!), we want to be proactive in protecting our rental properties and primary residences from the extreme cold.

Weather like we are currently experiencing in Columbus can be especially dangerous when combined with a furnace issue. A simple expired pilot light can allow the house temperature to drop dramatically, and if it drops far enough there is a chance some.

Furnace & Cold Weather Reminders For Your Rentals

Below are helpful reminders for you and your tenants. Your goal should be a warm home with an efficient furnace! As the #1 landlord helper in Columbus, Campus Handyman is here to help.

robert plnt

Thermostat Settings As it gets colder you'll want to remember to keep your thermostat set around 68 degrees. Keeping it much higher will result in very expensive gas bills. Keeping it off is not an option as the heat is needed to ensure the pipes do not freeze!

Be sure your thermostat is set to 'Heat' and 'Auto' Leaving For Fall & Winter Break If you leave your home.

Precautions For Extreme Cold!

Extreme Cold Precautions

Falling temperatures increase the chances of your pipes freezing. Please be aware of the forecast as it currently calls for very cold weather and you will need to take action. Below is information that will hopefully prevent pipes from freezing before they become a major problem.

  • Advise your residents to temporarily turn on your cold and warm water in every sink so that there is a slow drip coming from both the hot and cold side. The water does not have to be running, it only needs to be a slow drip that is enough to keep the water moving throughout the water lines.
  • Advise your residents to.